As part of enterprises in Osaka City University Advanced Mathematical Institute (OCAMI), a seminar widely focusing on analysis and applied analysis was held with volunteers from OCAMI and College of Engineering of Osaka Prefecture University as its steering committee.
- 大阪市立大学 数学研究所
On March 22, 2019, “Data Science Educational FD Workshop” was held.
- 20190322.pdf(385.2KB)
On August 27, 2019, a data science educational seminar was held at Ehime University about the following contents.
-Summery of activities of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) on mathematics and DS
-Introduction of activities of a Cyugoku-Shikoku block with Osaka University as a base school
-Introduction of activities of Osaka University
- 愛媛大学
On June 15, 2019, the FD workshop was introduced in a joined session of a Kinki block and a Chubu-Tokai block about mathematics and data science education.
- 20190615_program.pdf(92.4KB)
Our paper was selected as the best paper award of 2018 Japan Society of Applied Mathematics.
- 論文賞・ベストオーサー賞
Guidance of internship participation of a data-relating human resource development consortium was held.
- データ・インテリジェンス教育研究部門
The ICM TV introduced activities of the MMDS mathematical science unit.
- メディア掲載実績
"Oncology Research Using Mathematical Science and Data Science" (27th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Cancer Metastasis, Symposium 3) was held.
- AIMaP数理技術ニーズ・シーズ集
On March 15, 2018, 14th Japan Society of Applied Mathematics research group joint presentation was held.
- 日本応用数理学会研究部会連合発表会
On February 18, 2018, “Oncology Research Using Mathematical models and Simulations” was presented in first public symposium of “Integrated Elucidation and Control of Cell Society Diversity” of new academic area research (research area proposal type) in Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
- 細胞社会ダイバーシティーの統合的解明と制御
On December 6, 2017, “Signal transduction research opened up by advanced interdisciplinary collaboration” was presented in 2017 Annual Meeting of Life Science Association workshop.
- シンポジウム・会議
On November 22, 2017, “Challenges in mathematical and data science” as 33rd Osaka University Graduate School of Engineering Science Industry-Academia Exchange Meeting was held.
- 大阪商工会議所
On September 11, 2017, introduction of activities of Osaka University was presented in Board of Education symposium of Mathematical Society of Japan.
- MMDSトピックス
On July 29, 2017, summer workshop panel discussion of Mathematics Education Society of Japan was held.
- MMDSトピックス
Participated in international research network construction workshop on mathematical oncology held on March 28-29, 2017.
- シンポジウム・会議
Activities of Center for Mathematical Modeling and Data Science (MMDS), Osaka University, about industry-academia collaborative education was presented in joint symposium of CREST, PRESTO, Mathematical Collaboration Program.
- 数学パワーが世界を変える
“Mathematical modeling of signaling: damped oscillation and phosphorylation” was presented in first public symposium of Creation of "Mathematical Signal" Academic Area of new academic area research (mathematical signaling) in Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
- シンポジウム・会議
The mathematical session was held in Japanese Society of Vascular Biomedical Sciences.
- 数理協働プログラム
The mathematical session program was held in a general meeting of Japan Society of Biomagnetism.
- 数理協働プログラム
On march 27, 2016, Development of Applied Nonlinear Partial Differential Equation Theory was held.
- 応用非線形偏微分方程式論の展開
The research meeting was held in MEXT commissioned project “Mathematical Collaboration Program”.
- 工学と現代数学の接点を求めて(1)
Our laboratory professor cooperated to produce a program of NHK BS Premium broadcasted at 21:00 to 22:00 on December 3 (Thursday).
- MMDSによる紹介サイトはこちら
“Assistant professor Ryo Takahashi has been promoted and transferred” (a specially appointed associate professor of mathematics education course of Faculty of Education of Nara University of Education).
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science base formation enterprise “Mathematical Oncology: Construction of International Research Network” 2015-2019 was adopted with our laboratory professor serving as a coordinator.
The special lecture by Dr. Giovanni Pisante was held at Osaka University on December 22, 24 and 25, 2014
- Giovanni_Pisante_2015.pdf(89.0KB)
On October 31-November 2, 2014, the mathematical medicine workshop: the autumn school promoted by the French and Japanese mathematicians was held.
The essay “Locus of Mathematical Model: W” was published in Mathematical Sciences, January 2013.
Professor Suzuki was selected as 7th Fellow by Japan Society of Applied Mathematics on June 27, 2014.
- 第7期フェロー選出にあたって
On June 11, 2014, patent briefing was held in the industry-academia exchange meeting.

We enjoyed the hiking and events. (May 24, 2014)

An intensive lecture by Prof. Norito Nawa (Meiji University) was held from January 6 to January 9 in 2014 at the Faculty of Engineering Science, Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University.
An intensive lecture by Prof. Suzuki was held from December 16 to December 20 in 2013 at the Faculty of Engineering Science, Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University.
The essay "Coordinate of Mathematical Models" was published on the January-2013 issue of the "Mathematical Sciences" Journal.
The special seminar by prof. Klemens Fellner (Univ. Graz) was held on September 5, 2013 at Room 617, J building, School of Engineering Science, Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University.
- Prof.Fellner.pdf(35.3KB)
The 2013 master‘s thesis presentation in Mathematical Sciences was held on August 21 in the Mathematical Display Room, Building J, Faculty of Engineering Science, Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University.
- 数理科学領域 修士論文発表会
The workshop "Interfaces of Boltzmann-Poisson Equations - Analysis, Geometry, Physics" was held on August 20, 2013 at Machikaneyama Kaikan, Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University.
- Interfaces of Boltzmann.pdf(123.7KB)
The 9th East Asia SIAM Conference and the 2nd Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics( EASIAM-CIAM 2013 )was held on June 18-20, 2013 at Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
- ポスター
Applications for the posts of Professor (April 15) and Associate Professor, Lecturer (May 20) in the mathematical modeling course have closed. Thank you for many applications.
Presented the lecture in Japan-Europe Advanced Science Seminar.
- 日本-欧州先端科学セミナー
Uploaded the International Conference poster in honor of Professor Takashi Suzuki‘s sixtieth birthday.
At Banquet for the 60th Birthday/Anniversary
(March 27, 2013)
At Wine Party for the 60th Birthday/Anniversary (February 25, 2013)

The Annual Conference of the Mathematical Society of Japan was held at Kyoto University. On the 2nd day, Thursday March 21, 2013, during the 16th Engineering Math Education Workshop, Professor Suzuki presented the Math education for the School of Engineering Science Department at Osaka University.
Uploaded the Lecture Title and Abstract presented by Professor Francesco Chiacchio in the PDE Seminar scheduled on Friday, December 7, 2012.
- 講演タイトルとアブストラクト
Made presentation at The 5th Polish-Japanese Days on Nonlinear Analysis in Interdisciplinary Sciences on November 06, 2012.
- 講演内容
Uploaded the Lecture Record for a seminar presented at the Euro-Japan Conference in Marseille and at the Max-Planck-Institute (Leipzig).
- セミナー講演記録
The workshop " Vortex Theory Now - Frontiers of Mathematical Physics " was held on October 6 at Machikaneyama Kaikan Hall in the Toyonaka Campus of Osaka University.
- 現代の渦理論-数理物理学の最前線
A colloquium titled "High Order Mesh Generation for Isogeometric Analysis", was held at the Laboratory of Mathematical Modeling, Graduate School of Engineering Science in Osaka University on September 3, 2012.
- 談話会
We took a walk to Ryokuchi Koen Park and had fun at the Park. (June 2, 2012)

The Student Evaluation of Classes (for Kisosuri-A / BasicMath-A and Ouyousuri-C / Applied Math-C )was summarized.
- StudentEvalBasicMathA.pdf(117.8KB)
- StudentEvalApplMathC.pdf(105.1KB)
Prepared the list of errata of “Partial differential equation lecture-introduction to semi-linear elliptic equations”.
- 正誤表
Creating the Technology-base for Understanding and Controlling the Life Dynamics (仮) (lead by Professor Tadashi Yamamoto, the Research Supervisor, The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University) was formally founded by JST (Japan Science and Technology) Agency CREST (Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology).
- 生命動態の理解と制御のための基盤技術の創出
The 25th Lecture Meeting titled " The World of Mathematics Used in Everyday Life "(仮) was held at Sigma International Hall Bldg on June 13 (Wed.). This event was hosted by the Osaka University Graduate School of Engineering Science Industry Exchange Foundation. The presentation video for "Math-Medical application - Homology in Video Examination and Magnetic Field Source Analysis
- No25poster.pdf(233.1KB)
- 『実用化に近づく“数理医療”ホモロジー画像検査と磁場源解析』の講演ビデオ
Collaborative Research Project between Japan and France (Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres et Europeennes: MAEE) in Mathematical Modeling of Tumor Growth was formally adopted by JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science).
Made a Research Presentation at the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences of Kyoto University.
- 講演記録: Presentation Material
Uploaded the Lecture File presented at the University of Rome.
- 講演記録: Presentation Material
The exchange student from the University of Crete in Greece, Mr. Ioannis-Marios Gkoumas, has finished his study and returned back to his home country on April 30, 2012.
Assistant Professor Giovanni Pisante of Second University of Naples presented "A QUANTITATIVE SECOND ORDER MINIMALITY CRITERION FOR CAVITIES IN ELASTIC BODIES" ( ) at PDE seminar which was held in Osaka University on April 13 (Fri.), 2012.
- pisante-abstract-04-2012.pdf(114.5KB)
- ナポリII大学の Giovanni 先生
Presented a seminar "Numerical computation/Numerical analysis and Reverse problems - Past, Present and Future" on March 3, 2012 at Okayama University of Science.

Assistant Professor Yudi Soeharyadi of Indonesia‘s Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) visited Osaka University and gave a seminar at the Mathematical Science Dept. on March 24, 2012.
Visited Fukushima University on March, 2012.

Professor Clair Poignard of Institut de Mathematiques de Bordeaux, University BordeauxⅠ, presented [Electroporation Modeling of Biological Cell] on Feb. 13, 2012.
- Clair Poignard 先生
East Asian Partial Differential Equation (PDE) Conference was held at Pohang University of Science and Technology from December 19 to 22 in 2011.
We visited National Museum of Ethnology in Expo 70 Commemorative Park on November, 2011.

Made the presentation in 2nd South Osaka Applied Mathematics Seminar at Osaka City University on July 2, 2011.
- 発表内容
An international symposium "Mathematical Methods in Cancer Cell Biology" was held at Koujinkaikan of Department of Medicine, Hiroshima University, on June 8th(Wednesday) and 9th(Thursday), 2011.
- 国際研究集会「がん細胞の数理科学」- Mathematical Methods in Cancer Cell Biology-
The RIMS research camp was held for construction of mathematical theory of turbulence during August 28 to 31, 2011.
Our Research in "Mathematical Medicine Develops Tumor Growth Explications and Medical Technology Innovations" was adopted by the Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST) for Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST).
Made the general lecture "MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN CANCER AND BRAIN RESEARCH - NEW APPROACH, INVENTION, AND PRACTICE" at University of Technology Malaysia on October 6, 2010. Made the intensive lecture "Mathematical Modeling in Cancer Cell Biology" at the same University on October 8 and 11.

Future Lab International Workshop "Promotion and International Development of Interdisciplinary Research on Fluid Science" was held on March 8, 2011.

Made the general lecture "Cell Molecules and Mathematics Involved in Tumorigenesis: Top-down Modeling and Key Path Search" in the annual meeting of Japan Society of Applied Mathematics at Meiji University Surugadai School Building on September 6, 2010.
- 日本応用数理学会年会
Made the lecture in the colloquium at the mathematics classroom of Ehime University Faculty of Science on July 28 (Wednesday), 2010.
- 講演資料
The seminar “Science of Simulation” of 2010 was held on July 24, 2010.
- program

The lecture meeting was held in Nonlinear Science Colloquium on July 1, 2010.
- 20100701.pdf(205.5KB)
- content
We had cherry blossom viewing at Satsukiyama on April, 2010.

The 2010 united presentation of the research group was held.
- プログラム
Invited Professor Oyama received Franklin V. Taylor Memorial Award in IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society.

The basic seminar “Familiar Mathematics: Life, Industry, Society, and Human” was finished.
The intensive lecture was made by the research representative as follows.
-Lecture Name: “Nonlinear Phenomenon Analysis”
-Title: Top down & Bottom up Modeling about Tumorigenesis and Self-organization
-Place: Osaka University (Toyonaka Campus)
-Lecture Room: Faculty of Engineering Science, Building D, D515 (Mathematics center seminar room)
"It opened the minds of many students and attending professors to real cutting-edge interdisciplinary research." - Luigi M. Ricciardi, Director of Graduate School in Mathematics.
The 2009 annual meeting of Japan Society of Applied Mathematics was held at Osaka University (Toyonaka Campus: September 28 to 30).
- ご案内
Information Mathematical Seminar B will be held.
- 2009SeminarB.pdf(163.4KB)
- 研究室情報
Workshop on Mathematical Science and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations was held (February 14 (Sat.), 2009)
“T. Senba and T. Suzuki, Applied Analysis, Mathematical Methods in Natural Science, Imperial College Press, London, 2004” is out of print.
The movie of the lecture at the RIMS workshop " Variational Problems and Related Topics " (Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University) (Jun, 2008) can be viewed.
Mathematical research on angiogenesis was presented on February 16, 2008.
“Explanation of Magnetoencephalogram Analysis by Parallel Optimization for Programming” was presented on “Fun of Mathematics” Spring & Summer issue, 2007.
The MEG inverse problem solving method using the current segment distribution method and the parallel optimization was posted.
The First Chile-Japan Workshop on Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic PDE was held. (Oct. 23-26, 2007)

21st Century COE Program “Basic Science of Ultimate and Integration” International Workshop was held. (program) Lecturer: Prof. H. A. Levine (September 10)
- dormancy_model_osaka_talk_abstract_v2.pdf(2,324.8KB)
Lecture was presented at the RIMS Workshop " Variational Problems and Related Topics " (Jun. 21, 2007)
- 07program_variational.pdf(21.2KB)
- Suzuki-07RIMS-abst.pdf(60.2KB)
- RIMS研究集会 「変分問題とその周辺」

"Mathematics Materials for Improving Academic Achievement" Tokyo Law Publishing was published.
- 「学力向上につながる数学の題材」
The 56th National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics was held at Science Council of Japan. (Mar. 7-9,2007)
- 第56回理論応用力学講演会
The Japan Society of Applied Mathematics Research Group joint presentation was held. (march 4 to 5, 2007)
- 日本応用数理学会研究部会
Meeting for the Union of Research Activity Groups of JSIAM was held at Nagoya University. (Mar. 3-4,2007)
The bible of our laboratory was released. (January 12, 2007)
- tora_no_maki.pdf(73.6KB)
Dr.Zhou and Dr.Tzane held seminar at Osaka University. (Dec. 13-15,2006)
- 20061213_detail.pdf(327.0KB)
Dr.Zhou and Dr.Tzane held seminar at Osaka University. (Dec.13-15 2006) detail
- u-tokyo06.pdf(29.0KB)
The 6th East Asia PDE Conference was held at Wuhan University (China). (May.15-19 2006)
- 東アジア偏微分方程式会議
Nikos Kavallaris stayed in Japan as a specially appointed COE researcher. (from April 5, 2006 to March 31, 2007)
Korean-side research collaborator Prof. Dongho Chae (Seoul National University) in 2002-2003 Japan-Korea Science Cooperation Project (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) received the Korea Science Prize.