



September 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Research Park, Kyoto, Japan


Program and Abstracts (PDF file)


Venue: Science Hall on 4th floor of the Building No. 1, Kyoto Research Park


Sunday, September 2

  8:50 -  9:00    Welcome

  9:00 -  9:45    F. Delbaen (ETH Zurich)  Super hedging in the non-dominated case

  9:45 - 10:30   S. Robertson (Carnegie Mellon University)  Utility-Based Pricing in the Large Position, Nearly Complete Limit

10:30 - 10:45   Coffee break


10:45 - 11:30   A.E. Kyprianou (University of Bath)  Multi-Level Wiener-Hopf Monte-Carlo Simulation methods  

11:30 - 12:15   T. Ichiba (University of California, Santa Barbara)  Portfolios under markets with rank-based characteristics  


12:15 - 14:00   Lunch break

14:00 - 14:45   M. Rutkowski (University of Sydney)  Multi-Person Game Contracts and Multi-dimensional Reflected BSDEs

14:45 - 15:30   Y. Dolinsky (ETH Zurich)  Numerical Schemes for G-Expectations 


15:30 - 15:45   Coffee break


15:45 - 16:30   N. Touzi (Ecole Polytechnique)  Viscosity Solutions of Fully Nonlinear Path-Dependent PDEs


16:30 - 18:00   Young Researchers' Session

                        E. Osuka (Tohoku Univ.) Girsanov's formula for G-Brownian motion 

                        K. Yamazaki  (Osaka Univ.) Default swap games driven by spectrally negative Lévy processes 

                        F. Wang  (Shandong Univ.) BSDE, path-dependent PDE and nonlinear Feynman-Kac formula (cancelled) 





Monday, September 3


  9:00 -  9:45    Q. Tang (University of Iowa)   Loss Given Default in the Presence of Multivariate Regular Variation 

  9:45 - 10:30   Y. Shimizu (Osaka University)  Asymptotic expansion of ruin probability under Lévy risk models 

10:30 - 10:45   Coffee break


10:45 - 11:30   B.A. Surya (Bandung Institute of Technology)  Finite Maturity Optimal Stopping of Lévy Processes with Running Cost, Stopping Cost and Terminal Gain  

11:30 - 12:15   E. Baurdoux (London School of Economics)  Predicting the time of the ultimate supremum of a Lévy process 


12:15 - 14:00   Lunch break


14:00 - 14:45   E. Eberlein (University of Freiburg)  Market Models for Credit Risky Portfolios 

14:45 - 15:30   T. Arai (Keio University)  An explicit representation of locally risk-minimizing for Lévy markets 


15:30 - 15:45   Coffee break


15:45 - 16:30   P. Guasoni (Dublin City University)  Dynamic Trading Volume (cancelled) 


16:30 - 18:00   Young Researchers' Session

                        C. Li (Peking Univ.) Closed-form Expansion, Conditional Expectation, and Option Valuation 

                        T. Fujii (Osaka Univ.) Adaptive AIC type information criteria for discretely observed ergodic diffusion processes 

                        T. Ogihara (Osaka Univ.) Parametric estimation for stochastic regression model from nonsynchronous observations 



Tuesday, September 4


  9:00 -  9:45    J.P. Fouque (University of California, Santa Barbara)  Coupled diffusions and systemic risk 

  9:45 - 10:30   C.H. Han (National Tsing Hua University)   Joint Calibration to Cross-Market Data: A Monte Carlo Approach  


10:30 - 10:45   Coffee break


10:45 - 11:30   M. Zervos (London School of Economics)  A zero-sum game between a singular stochastic controller and a discretionary stopper 

11:30 - 12:15   H. Pham (Université Paris VII Diderot)  Backward SDEs with partially nonpositive jumps and Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman IPDEs


12:15 -             Excursion





Wednesday, September 5


  9:00 -  9:45    S. Peng (Shandong University)  BSDE driven by G-Brownian Motion (cancelled)  

  9:45 - 10:30   R. Cont (Université Paris VI)  Functional Ito Calculus and Functional Kolmogorov equations (cancelled) 


10:30 - 10:45   Coffee break


10:45 - 11:30   A. Schied (University of Mannheim)  A control problem with fuel constraint arising in finance and Dawson-Watanabe superprocesses

11:30 - 12:15   J. Obloj (University of Oxford)  Long-run Investment under Drawdown Constraints: optimal portfolios and numeraire property 


12:15 - 14:00   Lunch break


14:00 - 14:45   M. Sørensen (University of Copenhagen)  Statistical inference for integrated diffusion processes 

14:45 - 15:30   M. Rosenbaum (Université Paris VI)  On the ultra high frequency efficient price 


15:30 - 15:45   Coffee break


15:45 - 16:30   J. Jacod (Université Paris VI)  Microstructure noise: a statistical approach 


16:30 - 16:40   Closing